Community Engagement
We know and understand that the revitalization of the Menomini language and lifeways are not possible without the community taking ownership of the revitalization effort. We are dedicated to being active in the community and host a variety of community events at Menomini yoU’s property locations as well as in each of the communities on the reservation, maple sugar camp, wild rice harvesting and processing, language camps, traditional arts (basket making, hide tanning and preparation, finger weaving) and more. To be notified of upcoming opportunities, subscribe to our notifications and follow our social media.
Youth Engagement
Menomini yoU partnered with the College of Menominee Nation in 2021 to provide a 2-year language-learning opportunity for a youth cohort. We remain active in collaboration with the MISD and the Woodland Boys and Girls Club on providing meaningful opportunities for our youth to be part of the revitalization efforts. Planning is currently underway for additional Menomini yoU youth programming so be sure to subscribe to our notifications, check back on this page and follow our social media pages if you are interested in learning more.