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Board of Directors

Menomini yoU is led by a 5-member Board of Directors who are responsible for setting policy, adopting operating plans for the organization, providing oversight to management in implementing approved plans, and working with management to ensure the long-term sustainability of the organization.


Wāpanuhkīw (Regina Washinawatok)

Board Member

Benjamin 1

Wāqnawaew (Benjamin Grignon)

Board Member


Kenēw (James Oshkeshequoam)

Board Member


Mōkcewin (Jamie Awonohopay)

Board Member


Sasānēhsaeh Jennings

Board Member

Working Team

Menomini yoU’s day-to-day work is led by a full-time team.


Kcheyonkote (Burton Warrington)

Executive Director


Muqsāhkwat (Ron Corn Jr.)

Director of Revitalization


Nēmow (Elmer Denny)

Language Instructor


Weskes (Alexis Corn)

Language Advocate

Support Team

The work of Menomini yoU is supported by a cohort of dedicated and active language practitioners.

alumni retreat photo


Menomini yoU’s main business office is located in Keshena on the Menominee Reservation at N831 State Hwy 47/55. Planning and development are underway on our permanent Menomini yoU language campus to be located next to the Save-A-Lot / Family Dollar / Subway complex in Keshena. The long-term goal of the Menomini yoU language campus is to host a unique community space where Menomini language and culture can thrive in a natural environment.

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